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Acne Treatment change

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  • Massage Therapy

    Experience the relaxing benefits of full body massage or improve range of motion and normal function with a customized treatment. Improve circulation, decrease muscle stiffness and joint inflammation with each massage treatment. Enjoy hot stone or cupping per request.

  • Spa Facials

    • Soothe $68

      Open your relaxation senses with our amazingly scented PreCleanse, skin appropriate cleanse, relax under steam, remove destroying dead skin cells with exfoliation, mask, release tension and increase blood circulation with face, neck and scalp massage, awaken with refreshing toner, moisturizer and sun protection. 45 Minutes

    • Therapeutic $75

      Relieve your skin with this beneficial facial treatment that will heal, calm ease stress. This treatment includes amazingly scented PreCleanse to clear oil and debris, skin appropriate cleanse, relaxing steam, clear and minimize the look of pores with extractions, remove dead skin cells with exfoliation, enjoy a skin specific mask, release tension and increase blood circulation with face, neck and scalp massage, finishing with refreshing toner, moisturizer and sun protection. 60 Minutes

    • Ultimate $87

      Immerse your skin with the Ultimate treatment that will improve the texture and clarity of your skin. Using our potent Vitamin and Alpha Hydroxy Acid exfoliation, will resurface your skin while energizing massage techniques release tension in the facial muscles and increase blood circulation for the ultimate in skin therapy. Plus, PreCleanse to clear oils and debris, skin appropriate cleanse, relaxing steam, clear and minimize the look of pores with extractions, powerful multivitamin mask, toner, moisturizer and sun protection. 70 Minutes

  • Anti-Aging

    • MyoLift Microcurrent $103
      Double cleanse, steam, extractions, exfoliation, FDA Cleared MyoLift Microcurrent treatment, enjoy a skin specific mask, release tension and increase blood circulation with face, neck and scalp massage, finishing with refreshing toner, moisturizer and sun protection. 80 Minutes

      Diminish appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Tighten facial muscles, tone skin in face and neck. Smoother, Firmer skin. Microcurrent works on the muscles of the face which is also working on the skin. As you use microcurrent on a consistent basis you are increasing collagen/elastin in the skin, increasing hydration and increasing the ATP (energy) of the skin. These are three individual benefits that work together to result on smoother and firmer skin.

    • Celluma LED Anti-Aging Facial $103
      Double cleanse, steam, exfoliation, extractions, 30 minutes of Celluma LED Therapy, enjoy a skin specific mask, release tension and increase blood circulation with face, neck and scalp massage, finishing with refreshing toner, moisturizer and sun protection. 80 Minutes

      Celluma Light Therapy has been shown to effectively treat Acne, Wrinkles, Arthritic pain, Muscle Spasm, Muscles & joint pain, Muscle tissue tension, Decrease inflammation, and increase micro-circulation. Celluma is FDA-cleared.

    • Celluma LED Anti-Aging Luxe $115
      Double cleanse, steam, extractions, 30 minutes of Celluma LED Light Therapy, Multivitamin Power Exfoliant, enjoy a skin specific mask, release tension and increase blood circulation with face, neck and scalp massage, finishing with refreshing toner, moisturizer and sun protection. 90 Minutes

  • Acne/Pore Cleansing Treatments

    • Deluxe Acne $87

      Double cleanse, steam, extractions (cleansing of clogged pores), accelerator 35 (an anti-inflammatory exfoliant that helps clear congestion, stimulates cell renewal and cell turnover), high frequency (electrical current that destroys acne-causing bacteria), healing mask, toner, moisturizer and sun protection. 70 Minutes

      Not for clients under prescribed skin care medication.

    • Celluma LED Acne $68
      Double cleanse, 30 minutes of Celluma LED Therapy, toner, moisturizer and sun protection. 45 Minutes

      Celluma Light Therapy has been shown to effectively treat Acne, Wrinkles, Arthritic pain, Muscle Spasm, Muscles & joint pain, Muscle tissue tension, Decrease inflammation, and increase micro-circulation. Celluma is FDA-cleared.

    • Celluma LED Acne Facial $100
      Double cleanse, steam, exfoliation, extractions, 30 minutes of Celluma LED Therapy, enjoy a skin specific mask, release tension with a scalp massage, finishing with refreshing toner, moisturizer and sun protection. 80 Minutes

    • Celluma LED Acne Luxe $112
      Double cleanse, steam, extractions, 30 minutes of Celluma LED Light Therapy, chemical exfoliant, enjoy a skin specific mask, release tension with a scalp massage, finishing with refreshing toner, moisturizer and sun protection. 90 Minutes

  • Back Treatments

    • Purifying Back Treatment $90

      Double cleanse, steam, extractions (cleansing of clogged pores), exfoliation, high frequency, toner and moisturizer. 1 Hour

  • Add-Ons

    Skin treatment add ons only.
    Not for massage treatments.
    • Décolleté $12
      Add Décolleté to any treatment.
    • High Frequency $10
      Electrical current that destroys acne-causing bacteria, enhance blood circulation, increase collagen and elastin production.
    • Hands Warmers $7

      Moisturize hands while reenergizing and relaxing in hand warmers

Therapist: Brenda German